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Frothy Flow
Evening view from old Route 27 bridge
The Millstone River at Kingston
40.373547, -74.620353

Flooded Millstone
Over the past month, a normal amount of rainfall has been concentrated into several heavy downpours. The ground is already saturated, so any additional water runs off into the smaller streams that feed the larger rivers. The result has elevated the Millstone River between Kingston and Blackwells Mills, an area which often floods.

The breached bank above the mill dam continues to open wider, each storm, and reduces the dramatic flow that used to cascade over the dam itself. A new wetland area has now been created around the dam.

The bowed tree I have often photographed is now fully over, its roots no longer able to support the weight. Although damaging, the churning water and long, transverse shadows provided an interesting effect on this December afternoon.

William Engstrom - January 15, 2007