Here is my special page on the Web for sharing thoughts and images with my closest friends.

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Forked Trunk
FlatFoto camera, July 2005

Smaller Cameras
Today, we are continuing our visit to older pictures while waiting for spring to fully blossom. My camera bag does not contain equipment that is big and best. Instead, it is more likely small and good, because small is easier to carry around. My newest camera happens to have five megapixels, but far less is sufficient for most Web photography.

The above picture was taken with a minimalist, shirt-pocket device that Radio Shack used to sell for $80. You can read more about the camera and the image on my album page. It is fixed-focus and has no manual adjustments. Nevertheless, with proper lighting and a serious editing program, the results are quite pleasing.

Can we make digital photography even more economical? Yes, with an Aiptek PenCam Trio. Two years ago, I paid $13, and the price has dropped further since then. The smaller image, above, is what 0.35 megapixels can do, and I gave the picture a green frame to make it look like legitimate art. If you roam around the Web, you will find a lot of interesting imagery done with these simple cameras that are almost toys. My examples will be found in my Sampler Album.

William Engstrom - March 13, 2007